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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - smack


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~1 v 1 to hit a child with your hand in order to punish them  (To bed now, or I'll smack your bottom!) 2 to hit something against something else so that it makes a short loud noise  (smack sth against/into etc)  (He smacked his fist against his palm.) 3 smack your lips to make a short loud noise with your lips because you are hungry 4 BrE informal to hit someone hard with your closed hand; punch1 (1)  (Say that again and I'll smack you!) smack of sth phr v if something smacks of dishonesty, desperation etc it seems to contain some of that quality  (I don't want to say anything that smacks of disloyalty.) ~2 n 1 a) a hit made with your hand held flat, especially to punish a child  (Quiet, or I'll give you a smack!) b) BrE informal a hard hit with your closed hand; punch2 (1) 2 a short loud noise caused especially when something hits something else 3 give sb a smack on the lips/cheek informal to kiss someone 4 have a smack at BrE informal to try to do something 5 slang heroin (=a dangerous illegal drug) 6 a small fishing boat ~3 adv informal 1 exactly or directly in the middle or in front of something  (smack in the middle/in front of etc)  (There was a hole smack in the middle of the floor. | smack-bang BrE /smack-dab AmE)  (The plane was stuck there, smack-dab in the middle of the lake!) 2 if something moves smack into or against something, it hits it with a lot of force, making a loud noise  (The car ran smack into the side of the bus.)
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  (smacks, smacking, smacked) 1. If you smack someone, you hit them with your hand. She smacked me on the side of the head. VERB: V n • Smack is also a noun. Sometimes he just doesn’t listen and I end up shouting at him or giving him a smack. N-COUNT 2. If you smack something somewhere, you put it or throw it there so that it makes a loud, sharp noise. He smacked his hands down on his knees... Ray Houghton smacked the ball against a post. VERB: V n adv/prep, V n adv/prep 3. If one thing smacks of another thing that you consider bad, it reminds you of it or is like it. The engineers’ union was unhappy with the motion, saying it smacked of racism. VERB: V of n 4. Something that is smack in a particular place is exactly in that place. (INFORMAL) In part that’s because industry is smack in the middle of the city. ADV: ADV prep 5. Smack is heroin. (INFORMAL) N-UNCOUNT 6. If you smack your lips, you open and close your mouth noisily, especially before or after eating, to show that you are eager to eat or enjoyed eating. ‘I really want some dessert,’ Keaton says, smacking his lips. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sm?c; akin to Old High German smac taste and probably to Lithuanian smaguris sweet tooth  Date: before 12th century  1. characteristic taste or flavor; also a perceptible taste or tincture  2. a small quantity  II. intransitive verb  Date: 13th century  1. to have a taste or flavor  2. to have a trace, vestige, or suggestion a proposal that ~s of treason  III. noun  Etymology: Dutch smak or Low German ~  Date: 1533 a sailing ship (as a sloop or cutter) used chiefly in coasting and fishing  IV. verb  Etymology: akin to Middle Dutch ~en to strike  Date: 1557  transitive verb  1. to close and open (lips) noisily and often in rapid succession especially in eating  2.  a. to kiss with or as if with a ~  b. to strike so as to produce a ~  intransitive verb to make or give a ~  V. noun  Date: 1570  1. a quick sharp noise made by rapidly compressing and opening the lips  2. a loud kiss  3. a sharp slap or blow  VI. adverb  Date: 1782 squarely and sharply ; directly ~ in the middle  VII. noun  Etymology: perhaps from Yiddish shmek sniff, whiff, pinch (of snuff)  Date: circa 1960 slang heroin ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n., v., & adv. --n. 1 a sharp slap or blow esp. with the palm of the hand or a flat object. 2 a hard hit at cricket etc. 3 a loud kiss (gave her a hearty smack). 4 a loud sharp sound (heard the smack as it hit the floor). --v. 1 tr. strike with the open hand etc. 2 tr. part (one's lips) noisily in eager anticipation or enjoyment of food or another delight. 3 tr. crack (a whip). 4 tr. & intr. move, hit, etc., with a smack. --adv. colloq. 1 with a smack. 2 suddenly; directly; violently (landed smack on my desk). 3 exactly (hit it smack in the centre). Phrases and idioms have a smack at colloq. make an attempt, attack, etc., at. a smack in the eye (or face) colloq. a rebuff; a setback. Etymology: MDu. smack(en) of imit. orig. 2. v. & n. (foll. by of) --v.intr. 1 have a flavour of; taste of (smacked of garlic). 2 suggest the presence or effects of (it smacks of nepotism). --n. 1 a flavour; a taste that suggests the presence of something. 2 (in a person's character etc.) a barely discernible quality (just a smack of superciliousness). 3 (in food etc.) a very small amount (add a smack of ginger). Etymology: OE sm{aelig}c 3. n. a single-masted sailing-boat for coasting or fishing. Etymology: Du. smak f. earlier smacke; orig. unkn. 4. n. sl. a hard drug, esp. heroin, sold or used illegally. Etymology: prob. alt. of Yiddish schmeck sniff ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. вкус, привкус; запах smack of garlic —- привкус (запах) чеснока smack of resin was in the air —- в воздухе пахло смолой smack of obstinacy (of insincerity) in a character —- известная доля упрямства (неискренности) в характере there's a smack of the gambler in him —- в нем есть что-то от игрока 2. небольшое количество; глоток; капля to add a smack of pepper to a dish —- добавить в кушанье чуточку перца 3. глоток (спиртного) 4. иметь вкус, привкус; пахнуть; припахивать, отдавать (чем-либо) to smack well (badly) —- иметь приятный (неприятный) привкус the bread (the water in the kettle) smacks of smoke —- хлеб (вода в котелке) пахнет (припахивает) дымом 5. чувствоваться, ощущаться; наблюдаться his manner smacks of self-conceit (of annoyance, of unrest) —- в его поведении чувствуется (ощущается) самодовольство (раздражение, беспокойство) race meetings to me always smacked of the idle rich —- в моем представлении скачки всегда ассоциировались с богатыми бездельниками this smacks of treason —- здесь пахнет государственной изменой this scheme smacks of discrimination —- этот план предполагает дискриминацию 6. редк. улавливать вкус, привкус, запах (чего-либо) 7. (звонкий) шлепок; хлопок to give smb. a smack on the shoulder —- хлопнуть кого-либо по плечу he brought his hand down with a smack on the table —- он хлопнул рукой по столу he gave the ball a hard smack —- он сильно...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) вкус; привкус; запах; примесь  2) немного еды, глоток питья  2. v. пахнуть, отдавать, отзываться (чем-л.); иметь примесь (of - чего-л.); Your last remark smacked of rudeness. That wine seems to smack of sunny hillsides. II  1. noun  1) чмоканье  2) звонкий поцелуй  3) звонкий шлепок; хлопок  2. v.  1) чмокать губами (тж. smack ones lips)  2) хлопать; Someone smacked me on the back.  3) шлепать; That boys deserves to be thoroughly smacked down.  3. adv.; coll.  1) с треском  2) в самую точку, прямо III noun naut. смэк (одномачтовое рыболовное судно) ...
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